Investing in Arizona’s Emerging Social Justice Leaders
Become Part of the Change
At Leading For Change (LFC) we envision lasting policy change that advances equality, equity, and social and economic justice. Most important, so do the people who participate in one or more of our programs. These are the up-and-coming progressive leaders of Arizona.
Participants of our programs are given the information, skills and networks to gain a practical understanding of political power in their communities and how to build it and use it to influence positive change. They also learn how to collaborate across sectors and divides to achieve theirvision of change to advance progressive values and visions.
LFC invites you to become a part of the force behind our emerging leaders and joining a movement to advance progressive values and policies to ensure equity and access to resources for all.
Your donation:
supports our mission in ensuring that tomorrow’s leaders are equipped with confidence, strategy, and skills to impact the advancement of social justice;
supplements program tuition on a sliding scale for participants;
helps to finance operations; and
is tax-deductible.
No matter the size of your donation, we thank you for being a part of the change that will positively impact thousands of men, women, and children through the commitment of those we train today and tomorrow.